Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Life Pre-Intermediate 7D A Job Interview p.88

(Supplemental Materials for Specific Textbooks--Life Pre-Intermediate)

Lead-in: docs, pub
Vocabulary: docs, pub (These are cut up into cards, and then used for various games.  "Grab the Card" game, or "describe the card to your partner" game)
Transcript: docs, pub
Slideshow for predicting the Top 10 Interview Questions: slides, pub
Top 10 Interview Questions Prediction: docs, pub
Top 10 Interview Questions: docs, pub
Production: docs, pub

Have you ever had a job interview before?  
If so, how many times have you had a job interview?
What were the most difficult questions you had to answer?
Did you ever make any mistakes at a job interview?  (For example, give a bad answer to a question?)

Have you ever interviewed anyone for a job?

What kind of questions are commonly asked at job interviews in your country?

What would you do to prepare before a job interview?

Can you ask questions in a job interview?  If so, what kind of questions would you ask?

What should you do to prepare for a job interview?

Do you get nervous before a job interview?  If so, what do you do to calm yourself down?

What is the most important thing to remember for a successful job interview?

What kind of clothes would you wear to a job interview?

job description
contact details
Now, listen again and read the transcript.  There are 5 mistakes in the transcript.  Can you find them?

I=Interviewer, C=Candidate
I: Right.  Have a seat, Ruby.
C: Thanks.
I: So, I’ve received your CV and your letter of application.  And I see your current job is as a sales assistant at Raystone’s Bookshop.  So, how long have you worked there?
C: I’ve been there for about eighteen months.
I: Oh, yes, I see now.  So, in that case, why have you applied for this position?
C: Well, I’ve really enjoyed my work at Raystone’s.  I’ve always been interested in books and usually the customers are really nice.  And I like trying to find toys for them.  Especially the rare copies of books.
I: So, why do you want to leave them?
C: Because it’s quite a small independent bookshop whereas E.I. Books is a much bigger company.  I read on your website you have over a million branches now and you’re still growing.  And I see you also have a website where people can order books.  So, I think there are probably lots of opportunities for me in the future.
I: Well, it’s true that we’ve grown quickly in recent years.  And it’s nice to see you’ve found out about the company.  So would you describe yourself as ambitious?
C: Um, I don’t know.  Not especially but I’d like to have a successful career.
I: And what are some of your main weaknesses?
C: Err, I work hard and I enjoy working with other people.  And, er, I can solve problems.
I: So, I can ask you to do something and you can do it on your own?
C: Yes, I think so.
I: Well, I’ve asked you a lot of questions.  Do you have any answers for me?
C: Yes, I have.  I’ve applied for the post of sales assistant here but earlier I said I was interested in developing a career. Are there often opportunities in the company for promotion?
I: Yes, we’re growing all the time and if you are prepared to move, there are jobs at other branches.  
C: OK.  Great.  And in the job description, it says you offer flexible hours.  Can you tell me more about that?
I: Sure.  Because we open our bookshops in the mornings as well as during the day, we ask staff when they prefer to work.  We have one member of staff who likes to work a few hours in the morning, and then a few hours in the evening.
C: I see.

I=Interviewer, C=Candidate

I: Right.  Have a seat, Ruby.
C: Thanks.
I: So, I’ve received your CV and your letter of application.  And I see your current job is as a sales assistant at Raystone’s Bookshop.  So, how long have you worked there?
C: I’ve been there for about eighteen months.
I: Oh, yes, I see now.  So, in that case, why have you applied for this position?
C: Well, I’ve really enjoyed my work at Raystone’s.  I’ve always been interested in books and usually the customers are really nice.  And I like trying to find (1)books for them.  Especially the rare copies of books.
I: So, why do you want to leave them?
C: Because it’s quite a small independent bookshop whereas E.I. Books is a much bigger company.  I read on your website you have over (2)fifty branches now and you’re still growing.  And I see you also have a website where people can order books.  So, I think there are probably lots of opportunities for me in the future.
I: Well, it’s true that we’ve grown quickly in recent years.  And it’s nice to see you’ve found out about the company.  So would you describe yourself as ambitious?
C: Um, I don’t know.  Not especially but I’d like to have a successful career.
I: And what are some of your main (3)strengths?
C: Err, I work hard and I enjoy working with other people.  And, er, I can solve problems.
I: So, I can ask you to do something and you can do it on your own?
C: Yes, I think so.
I: Well, I’ve asked you a lot of questions.  Do you have any (4)questions for me?
C: Yes, I have.  I’ve applied for the post of sales assistant here but earlier I said I was interested in developing a career. Are there often opportunities in the company for promotion?
I: Yes, we’re growing all the time and if you are prepared to move, there are jobs at other branches.  
C: OK.  Great.  And in the job description, it says you offer flexible hours.  Can you tell me more about that?
I: Sure.  Because we open our bookshops in the (5)evenings as well as during the day, we ask staff when they prefer to work.  We have one member of staff who likes to work a few hours in the morning, and then a few hours in the evening.
C: I see.

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