Wednesday, May 07, 2008

July 2003: Hitch Hike 2


Here is the second video of our hitch hiking trip in the summer of 2004 (uploaded after putting my old videos onto DVD). Greg and I had gotten picked up here by a mother-daughter pair who brought us as far as Kitakyushu.

This tape is mostly in Japanese, although the daughter had spent some time in New York, and Greg and I tried to get her to talk in English a little bit for the tape. She started out with her self introduction, then stops abruptly and says [in Japanese] “I’m so stupid. I forgot all my English.”

We continue talking, half in Japanese, half in English, about her memories of New York. She said the thing she remembers most is how cold it was. I said that the temperature of New York, and the temperature of Kyushu, are very different. I continued to say that Michigan has a similar temperature to New York, so for me, I have the opposite experience living in Kyushu. I feel like it is much too hot for me down here.

(Or at least that’s what I intended to say. Listening to the video now, I realize what I actually said in Japanese was “Michigan is a narrow place” not “Michigan is a cold place.” Oh well.)

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