Saturday, January 07, 2006

The Clock's a ticking...

In less than 48 hours I'll be back in Japan. I'll write up some thoughts on this trip once I get back, but Shoko already left on Wednesday, so I'll write about her trip.

1. First of all she had a really good time, and thanked me for bullying her into making the trip despite her illnesses. She did sleep a lot of the time she was here, but she had a good time.

2. She put up very well with not being able to understand much of the conversation, and she was remarkably patient with me as I babbled with old friends in English, even though she couldn't understand.

3. When I take Japanese people to Michigan, it's always funny what they get excited about. When I took the Japanese students two years ago, after all the stuff we did, all they could talk about was Meijers and shopping.
Meijers was also a big highlight for Shoko. She was also very excited to eat at a Sushi restaurant in America. And she loved seeing the Bear's house, with the large collection of Japanese Anime. "I've never met American Otaku before," she said. "I can't wait to tell everyone back home."

Link of the Day
Speaking of Otaku, the Japan Times recently did an interesting article on how Otaku is becoming cool. "It's hip to be square," seems to be true in any culture.

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