Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Masters of the Universe: Revelation: Series Review

This is my first time reviewing this series, so according to my new rules, I am doing this as a video only review.

As I state in the video, my original intention was to have this video be a little bit about my thoughts on the Masters of the Universe franchise, but mostly about Masters of the Universe: Revelation.  But I ended up talking for so long about my thoughts on the franchise, that it just ended up that this video was all reminiscing about the franchise.  The next video, then, will be my review of  Masters of the Universe: Revelation 

In the video, I mention seeing in toy stores animals that turn into rocks that were released as Master of the Universe toys.  For more information about them, see here:

Links to things mentioned:
* The Avclub review (one of several reviews which claimed this was a direct continuation of the original series):
* The video by Midnight's Edge video about how this series is not an actual sequel to the original series, because they don't own the rights to the original series:

Playlist HERE

Check out He-Man and the Masters of the Universe: The Complete Original Series [DVD] on Amazon here:  
He-Man and the Masters of the Universe: the Complete Series Remake DVD:
Watch He-Man and the Masters of the Universe (2002):

(These are Amazon Associate's links.  If you buy anything through these links, I get a commission.)

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