Saturday, June 15, 2024

Phrasal Verbs: Model Text created by AI

Google: docs, pub

[Notes: I'm not 100% happy with this, but I want to save it here anyway.  I may come back and try to improve it at some point in the future.
I would be embarrassed to tell you how much time I wasted trying to get AI to create the perfect model text.  I had about 40 phrasal verbs from the Impact 3 textbook, and I wanted them all in the story, but none of the AIs I tried (Gemini, Poe, ChatGPT) were able to make a story that used all 40 phrasal verbs.  (I have previously praised AI as a great way to create model texts for vocabulary, but perhaps I should include a caveat.  It has its limits.  If you try to cram in too much vocabulary, the AI appears to just ignore most of the vocabulary.)  I also wanted the story to include both examples of separated  and unseparated phrasal verbs, but I couldn't get it to make examples with separated phrasal verbs.  Even after using multiple platforms, and changing the prompt several times.
All that being said, for all its faults, this model text is better than what I had before--which was nothing.  So I want to hang on to it, and possibly fix it up someday, and maybe even use it in the classroom.]

Once upon a time, in a magical forest, there lived a group of animal friends. There was Sammy the squirrel, Benny the bear, and Lila the rabbit. They loved to explore and go on adventures together.

One sunny morning, they decided to go on a picnic near the sparkling river. They knew they had to plan everything carefully, so they asked around the forest for suggestions on the best picnic spots. They came across a friendly owl who told them about a beautiful meadow with a breathtaking view.

Excited about their picnic, the friends got up early and started to get ready. They dressed up in their finest clothes and packed delicious treats for their adventure. Sammy brought nuts, Benny brought honey, and Lila baked carrot muffins.

As they made their way to the meadow, they came across a fallen tree blocking their path. They didn't want to give up on their picnic, so they decided to work together to break down the tree and clear the way. Benny used his strong paws, Lila used her sharp teeth, and Sammy used his nimble fingers. With their combined efforts, they successfully cleared the path and continued their journey.

When they arrived at the meadow, they were amazed by its beauty. The friends set up their picnic blankets and enjoyed their delicious food. They laughed, shared stories, and even engaged in a friendly game of tag.

After their meal, they decided to explore the meadow and its surroundings. They discovered a hidden trail that led to a magnificent waterfall. Excitedly, they climbed up the rocks and enjoyed the breathtaking view. They realized that their picnic adventure had turned into something even more special.

As the day went on, the sky started to darken, and the friends knew it was time to head back. They packed up their things and made their way home. On their journey, they encountered a small lost fox. The fox looked scared and worried, so the friends decided to help.

They asked the fox where it came from and found out that it had been separated from its family. The friends knew they could count on each other to help the fox find its way back. They decided to go ahead and guide the fox to its family.

After a long journey, they finally found the fox's family, and everyone cheered up in joy. The fox and its family were reunited, thanks to the kindness and determination of the animal friends.

As they said their goodbyes to the fox, the friends realized that their picnic adventure had become an incredible day filled with unexpected twists and turns. They learned that when they worked together, they could overcome any obstacle and make a difference in someone's life.

With their hearts filled with happiness and gratitude, the friends returned to their forest home. They knew that no matter what challenges they faced, they could always rely on each other and count on their friendship. And so, they fell asleep, looking forward to their next adventure, knowing that their bond would never fall apart.


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