Wednesday, November 01, 2023

Started: Discourse of the Three Kingdoms Podcast
Listening Links: Google Podcast, Website, Youtube

As I mentioned in the last weekly reading vlog, I am feeling a little bit overwhelmed by all the names in Three Kingdoms and I am looking for some resources to help me consolidate what I'm reading.  I found this podcast, and it seems to be some really interesting discussion about the novel on a chapter by chapter basis.  Or at least that's the intention.  The podcast is still new, so they've only got 7 full episodes out so far (4 regular episodes, and 3 bonus episodes).  But it's a start, so I'm going to work my way through those 7 episodes.
This will, unfortunately, eat into the time that I listen to The Revolutions of 1848 by Mike Duncan, so I might be taking a bit of a break from The Revolutions of 1848 while I listen to this podcast.
I'll follow my normal podcast rules of listening through it 4 times.  Because this podcast is still unfinished, I don't think I'm going to do a full review of it, but I might do a mini-review of it.  Or, I don't know, we'll see how I'm feeling when I finish these 5 episodes.

Listening Progress
November 1, 2023--Episode 2: Schemes at Luoyang
November 2, 2023--Yellow Dreams Never Die (Deep Dive)
November 5--Interview: Baptiste Pinson Wu and Yellow Sky Revolt
November 11--Chapter 4: Not Ideal Party Guest
November 12--Han Deep Dive
Finished 1st Listening.  Started 2nd Listening
November 15--Episode 1: Not Very Mellow Yellow
November 16--Yellow Dreams Never Die (Deep Dive)
November 18--Episode 3: Blood and Fire
November 19--Chapter 4: Not Ideal Party Guest
November 23--Han Deep Dive
Finished 2nd Listening. Started 3rd Listening
November 24--Episode 1: Not Very Mellow Yellow
November 25--Interview: Baptiste Pinson Wu and Yellow Sky Revolt
November 26--Episode 3: Blood and Fire
November 27--Chapter 4: Not Ideal Party Guest
November 28--Han Deep Dive\
Finished 3rd Listening.  Started 4th Listening
December 2--Episode 1: Not Very Mellow Yellow

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