Friday, May 28, 2021

I don't suppose anyone remembers this old post from December 21, 2015?

So this post I wrote about Ajimu Town back in 2007...
...ended up inspiring someone to write a whole novel about the place.  And to do her own travels through Ajimu, to see the place for herself.

Actually you know what, looking back at my wording, I think I mischaracterized the situation slightly.  My post didn't inspire the novel.  Author Loren Greene had already decided upon writing her novel before she stumbled upon my blog.  My post on Ajimu simply inspired the location for a story she already formed in her mind.  But still, pretty cool, right?

It's taken a few years, but that book is out now.  

Lily Jennings is Going. To. Japan.

Sixteen and on top of the world, she's beyond excited to be setting off for an entire year as an exchange student in Tokyo. Fashion and fun are foremost on her mind as she arrives ready to meet her new host family and embark on a grand adventure, livestreaming all the way.

What Lily isn't expecting, however, is for her urban host family to cancel at the last moment and leave her hanging with nowhere to live. She's shipped off to the small town of Ajimu (sorry, where!?), a billion miles from anywhere cool and exciting, with a neurotic host sister, no chances for romance, straight-up-vile classmates and a microscopic community watching over her every move.

Too bad for the people of this small town—nothing's going to hold Lily back when she wants something!

I haven't read this book yet, so I can neither recommend it nor recommend against it.  But I'm very interested in checking it out.

And if you are also interested in checking it out, the Amazon link is HERE.  Or order it through your favorite retailer here--

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