Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Story Listening in the Style of Beniko Mason--The King of the Golden Mountain

(TESOL Worksheets--Listening, Comprehensible Input, Story Time ESL ListeningDelta Lessons)

Google Drive Folder HERE
This lesson is meant to go together with this essay: Story-Listening by Beniko Mason
There are two versions of this lesson.  The first is my attempt to duplicate Beniko Mason's style exactly, including her avoidance of a lot of extra materials.  That version is here: Lesson plan: drive, docs, pub
The second version is an expanded lesson plan that includes extra material that Beniko Mason herself might not approve of.
Expanded lesson: drive, docs, pub
Script: drive, docs, pub
Writing follow up: docs, pub
Pictures: drive, docs, pub
Slideshow: slides, pub
A video of the lesson is here: The King of the Golden Mountain: Story-Listening (in the style of Beniko Mason)
This is an experimental lesson trying to copy the Story-Listening Technique of Beniko Mason.  See here for an example of what I was trying to copy: https://youtu.be/PvynPXIs3b8
The video quality isn't great.  Sorry.  Sorry about the squeaky markers.  Sorry that the whiteboard isn't visible.  Sorry that the video cuts out after 30 minutes, and leaves the story unfinished.  (Hopefully this gives an idea of what I was trying to do even though it cuts out early.)

It should also be noted that the length of this story is not ideal for illustrating Beniko Mason's method.  A shorter story would have been better.

(I'd previously posted a StoryTime ESL Listening of this same story.  Although I had posted that version first, this is the original lesson.)

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