Sunday, August 18, 2019

Life Intermediate: 1D First Impressions p.16

(Supplemental Materials for Specific Textbooks--Life Intermediate)

Google Drive Folder HERE
Transcript: docs, pub

P: Good morning! Allow me to introduce myself. I’m Paola Iannucci.
C: How do you do? My name’s Colin Burke.
P: It’s a pleasure to meet you, Colin. I see you work for an advertising agency.
C: Yes, erm…  Paola. I’m the arts director at Arrow Agency. I mostly work on web adverts.
P: Do you? That sounds interesting.
C: It is. We’re developing some really new ways of advertising. Do you use the Internet much in your work?
P: I do, actually, Colin. I’m in sales.
C: Oh, are you?
P: Yes, I work for an electronics company. We’re starting to sell online.
C: Really? Well, Paola, why don’t I give you my card? Here you are.
P: Thanks. It’s been good talking to you. Let’s stay in touch.

L: Hello, how are you? I’m Lucy.
Y: I’m very pleased to meet you. I’m Yuvraj Singh. I work for Get fit--it’s a chain of gyms.
L: Oh yes, my brother goes to Get fit.
Y: Does he? Great. We’re building a big new gym in the town centre here. It’s nearly ready to open, in fact.
L: Is it? That’s great.
Y: Yes, we’re all really excited about it. Erm, what about you?
L: I’m looking for a new job at the moment, actually.
Y: OK, well, thanks for your time. Let me give you my card. Don’t forget to check out our new gym when it opens.

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