Monday, August 05, 2019

Fox News & Politicians BLAMES FORTNITE & Video Games for the death of 29 people in El Paso

I am rapidly losing my patience with civil debate and am getting to the point where I just want to scream obscenities at people.  Which on one hand is a completely natural reaction to everything that's been happening the past few years, and yet at the same time is exactly the wrong thing to do if we're ever going to make any progress.

But really, it makes me so, so angry when I see people still blaming gun violence on video games.

This is the stupidest argument ever.  For reasons so obvious that I feel like I'm wasting my time typing them out again.  Violent video games are popular with kids all over the world, but the U.S. is the only place that has regular gun massacres. Japanese and South Koreans play way more violent video games than the U.S., and they don't have these gun massacres.

Part of this frustration is just fatigue.  I've been pointing out this fact out on this blog for over 15 years now.  (See this post from 2003.  And this post from 2012.)  And I just weary of having to type out the obvious over and over again.
But it's not just me.  Lots and lots of people have been making this really obvious point.  For years.
So why are we still having this discussion about video games?

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