Friday, January 20, 2017

Market Leader: Intermediate Unit 4 Organisation Listening p.42-43

(Supplementary Materials for Specific Textbooks--Market Leader Intermediate)

Table: docs, pub
Transcript: docs, pub

Now listen again, and find the 5 mistakes in the transcript

C=Carl, F=Francoise, JP= Jean-Pierre, P=Paulo

C: I suppose you’ve all seen the Vice-President’s message on the notice boards. What do you think, Francoise?
F: Huh, it’s pretty typical, isn’t it?  It’s all about how the company will benefit.  What about us?  Don’t we count?
ALL: Yeah / Right / Exactly.
F: I mean, why should we leave this beautiful building, on one of the most famous avenues in the country?  We love it here.  The move’s not convenient for me at all.  If we go to Beauchamp, my husband will have to drive 120 kilometres every day to get to work.  He’ll soon get tired of doing that.  And what about my husband’s education?  Will the schools be any good in Beauchamp?  I have no idea.  How about you, Jean Pierre?
JP: Well, to be honest, it doesn’t bother me.  I’m really tired of living in Paris.  It’s so relaxed here, everyone rushing around, trying to make money.  I wouldn’t mind moving to a quieter area.  Beauchamp sounds quite nice, and the countryside outside the town is pleasant, I believe.  What about you, Paolo?  Do you think the move will be good for us?
P: I am absolutely against it.  It will upset families and cause a lot of problems for some staff.  I will have to sell my house if we move.  I only bought it last year, so I will probably lose a lot of money--I don’t think I will get any compensation for that, do you?  You don’t agree, Jean Pierre, I can see that.
IP: Well, you’re right, Paolo. it’ll cause a lot of problems, there’s no doubt about that.   But the company will benefit a lot, and that’s important, too.  In the long run, the move will increase our revenue, make us more competitive and keep us in jobs.  That’s a good reason for moving, isn’t it, Carl?  What do you think?
C: Maybe, but I feel pretty depressed at the moment.  I hope they’ll postpone the proposal.  There’s a lot of good feeling about it.  I tell you one thing, a lot of our best staff will refuse to relocate.  They can easily get another job here in Paris, they won’t want to move.  They’ve got a really good lifestyle, and they won’t want to give it up.  The management will get a big shock if the relocation goes ahead.
C=Carl, F=Francoise, JP= Jean-Pierre, P=Paulo

C: I suppose you’ve all seen the Vice-President’s message on the notice boards. What do you think, Francoise?
F: Huh, it’s pretty typical, isn’t it?  It’s all about how the company will benefit.  What about us?  Don’t we count?
ALL: Yeah / Right / Exactly.
F: I mean, why should we leave this beautiful building, on one of the most famous avenues in the (1)world?  We love it here.  The move’s not convenient for me at all.  If we go to Beauchamp, my husband will have to drive 120 kilometres every day to get to work.  He’ll soon get tired of doing that.  And what about my (2)children’s education?  Will the schools be any good in Beauchamp?  I have no idea.  How about you, Jean Pierre?
JP: Well, to be honest, it doesn’t bother me.  I’m really tired of living in Paris.  It’s so (3)stressful here, everyone rushing around, trying to make money.  I wouldn’t mind moving to a quieter area.  Beauchamp sounds quite nice, and the countryside outside the town is pleasant, I believe.  What about you, Paolo?  Do you think the move will be good for us?
P: I am absolutely against it.  It will upset families and cause a lot of problems for some staff.  I will have to sell my (4)apartment if we move.  I only bought it last year, so I will probably lose a lot of money--I don’t think I will get any compensation for that, do you?  You don’t agree, Jean Pierre, I can see that.
IP: Well, you’re right, Paolo. it’ll cause a lot of problems, there’s no doubt about that.   But the company will benefit a lot, and that’s important, too.  In the long run, the move will increase our revenue, make us more competitive and keep us in jobs.  That’s a good reason for moving, isn’t it, Carl?  What do you think?
C: Maybe, but I feel pretty depressed at the moment.  I hope they’ll postpone the proposal.  There’s a lot of (5)bad feeling about it.  I tell you one thing, a lot of our best staff will refuse to relocate.  They can easily get another job here in Paris, they won’t want to move.  They’ve got a really good lifestyle, and they won’t want to give it up.  The management will get a big shock if the relocation goes ahead.

Complete the table with a partner:

Offices in

Factory in

key issues

Beauchamp’s characteristics

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