Sunday, January 08, 2017

IELTS Liz Task 1 Writing Video Lesson

(TESOL Worksheets--IELTS Writing Task 1)

Google Drive Folder HERE
PowerPoint: drive, slide, pub
Sample essay: drive, docs, pub
questions for video: drive, docs, pub
Answers to questions for video: drive, docs, pub
Board Race (for reviewing this lesson): slides, pub

This lesson was not originally mine.  It was put together by a colleague of mine, who then shared it with me.
However, the version I'm posting here has been heavily edited by me. I've changed around enough things that I consider it half my creation at this point.  (Okay, maybe half credit is being a little bit overly generous to myself.  But at the very least, I'm going to claim editing credits on this one.)

The lesson is based off of a Youtube Video by IELTS Liz [LINK HERE] and accompanying materials on IELTS Liz's webiste [LINK HERE].

The  lesson follows the prompts on the PowerPoint.  There are some lead-in questions about the rules of Task 1, then the students discuss the chart in groups.  The students are then given a sample answer for the chart.   Then they watch the video and answer the questions about the video on the question sheet.

The way my colleague originally designed the lesson, the students are then assigned to re-write the same essay.  (The idea is that the students first practice on a scaffolded recreation before moving on to write their own original essays.)
In my own classes, my students balked at the idea of re-writing the same essay they had just studied, so I assigned them another essay instead.
This lesson can be plugged in to supplement any IELTS task 1 lesson, but in my classroom I most recently used it to supplement IELTS Express Upper Intermediate Unit 2 Writing p.22-25

IELTS Writing Task 1.  Describing a Chart.
Make notes and answer these questions from the video
This is a very useful website for when you get closer to your test.
1. What main points does she mention about writing the introduction?

2.  What was missing from the chart description that she added in the introduction?

3.  Why should we pay special attention to the date?

4.  How many sentences should your introduction be?

5.  If you have no overview, then you can not get higher than a ______ on task response, and task response is worth _______ % of your writing score.

6.  What are the key features of the overview?

7.  What makes a good overview?

8.  What word does the overview start with?  Why?

9.  How many key features are in her overview?

10.  How many features should you normally have?

11.  How many body paragraphs does she feature?

12.  What’s important about the organization of the body paragraphs?

13.  What will happen if your sentences in the body paragraphs are not supported by data?

14.  Can you put information in brackets?

15.  Can you use symbols instead of unit names? (For example “$” instead of “dollars”)

16.  What does ‘respectively’ mean?

IELTS Writing Task 1.  Describing a Chart.
Make notes and answer these questions from the video
This is a very useful website for when you get closer to your test.
1. What main points does she mention about writing the introduction?
Paraphrase most words, use academic vocabulary, brackets can be used
2.  What was missing from the chart description that she added in the introduction?
An introduction to the units of measurement in the graph (pounds sterling for this one)
3.  Why should we pay special attention to the date?
So we know which tense to use
4.  How many sentences should your introduction be?
one or two sentences
5.  If you have no overview, then you can not get higher than a ______ on task response, and task response is worth _______ % of your writing score.
5, 25%
6.  What are the key features of the overview?
the highest and lowest points of the chart
7.  What makes a good overview?
to include all the key features of the graph
8.  What word does the overview start with?  Why?
overall, - so the examiner can identify that it’s an overview
9.  How many key features are in her overview?
10.  How many features should you normally have?

11.  How many body paragraphs does she feature?
12.  What’s important about the organization of the body paragraphs?
that they are coherent, logical and easy to read.
13.  What will happen if your sentences in the body paragraphs are not supported by data?
You can only get band score 5 for one of the criteria of ‘task achievement’
14.  Can you put information in brackets?
15. Can you use symbols instead of unit names? (For example “$” instead of “dollars”)
16.  What does ‘respectively’ mean?

The order of the numbers follows the order in the sentence

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