Tuesday, January 17, 2017

IELTS Express Upper Intermediate Second Edition Unit 3 Speaking p.37-39

(Supplementary Materials for Specific Textbooks--IELTS Express Upper Intermediate)

Treasure Hunt: drive, docs, pub
PowerPoint for Feedback on Treasure Hunt: drive, slides, pub
p.37 Exercise 2 transcript: drive, docs, pub
p.38 Exercise 4 transcript: drive, docs, pub
p.39 Exercise 5 transcript: drive, docs, pub
Make Comparison Sentences: drive, docs, pub
Exam Practice: drive, docs, pub

1. Why is it a good idea to stay up to date with the news?

2. Choose the best answer:
In the exam, you should try to sound :
a). nervous b). confident c). hesitating d). scared

3. In the exam you can make _____________ in order to justify your opinion.

4. In part 3, the topic will be thematically linked to part 2, but you will talk about things in a more ______________ way.

5. For part 2 and 3: which one is a conversation?

6. Introduce your topic with confidence, using __________  ______________.

7. You only have one minute to make notes for part 2, so you shouldn’t write full sentences.  Instead, just note down ___  ________ and _______________.

8. If you cannot answer immediately, you can buy yourself some time by saying:_________________________

9. TRUE or FALSE: You should wait for the examiner to prompt you to speak.

10. When you expand your answers, you can compare things.  Talk about _______________ and ___________________.

Treasure Hunt  
The teacher has hidden 10 questions.  See if you can find and answer the questions.  The first team to finish will get a prize.
All the questions come from pages 37, 38, and 39 of your textbook, so make sure you take your textbooks with you.  The answers to some questions may be the same.

1. ____________________________________________________________________________


3. _____________________________________________________________________________

4. _____________________________________________________________________________

5. _____________________________________________________________________________

6. ._____________________________________________________________________________

7. _____________________________________________________________________________

8. _____________________________________________________________________________

9. _____________________________________________________________________________

10. _____________________________________________________________________________
1. It will help you in the exam if you have a general knowledge of current affairs
2. B). confident
3. comparisons
4. abstract
5. part 3
6. appropriate language
7. key points, vocabulary
8. That’s a good question
9. False
10. similarities and differences

Listen to the speakers, and fill in the blanks.  What language do they use to introduce their talks?
1.______________________________________________________________ I got an email from my father, you see I was travelling around the United States and I had asked him to send me some money…
2.______________________________________________________________ an email I sent to my boss.  Basically, I was unhappy about some of the things he was asking me to do.  I mean, I had spent all morning photocopying documents, which really wasn’t my job…
3.______________________________________________________________ I wrote an e-mail to my landlord.  The problem was that I had moved out of his apartment one month before, but he still hadn’t returned my deposit.  I decided that I would tell him…
4.______________________________________________________________ an email I got from an ex-boyfriend.  Where shall I begin?  It was about two years after we had split up and I was living in a different city and everything.  Anyway, I got this email which said how he still loved me and that he wanted to try again, so I …
1. Yes, of course, it is now completely different—____________________ email has made written communication much faster and cheaper than before.  Firstly, you can write to someone on the other side of the world, and with one click, the information arrives seconds later, and secondly, it costs you very little—just the connection to the Internet.
2. Well, ____________________this has improved the way students learn or not.  ____________________ things are similar in that if students want to learn, they still have to go to class, read, and make essays, et cetera, but I suppose on the other hand everything is now done on computer and is not written by hand.  Learning is certainly more convenient though.
3. It’s a good question, but yes, ____________________ it has.  I can imagine a time very soon, when everyone will use videophones— it will be much more useful than only hearing a voice.  If it is used a lot in business, you can have face-to-face meetings when you are very far apart.  This will save a lot of time and money for travelling to meetings.
4. ____________________ that those people who can’t use a computer will find office work easily.  However, there will always be jobs where you don’t need to use one, for example manual jobs where you use your hands to make things—like a construction worker or something like that.
5. ____________________ things have changed dramatically.  For example, it was only a few years ago that students would have to use books to find information, whereas today, the Internet is the first place students go.  This must be a good thing, so yes, ____________________, things have improved.
6. ____________________, it’s not as easy to find a job if you cannot use a computer because you do not have the skills most companies require.  I mean, you cannot communicate well if you cannot use email … and another thing is perhaps you have to use a database.
7. ____________________ it’s much easier to do research these days, you know, to find things.  Before, it was more difficult to find things out. What I mean to say is, you had to read many journals to find the information you were searching for.
1. Yes, of course, it is now completely different—personally, I think email has made written communication much faster and cheaper than before.  Firstly, you can write to someone on the other side of the world, and with one click, the information arrives seconds later, and secondly, it costs you very little—just the connection to the Internet.
2. Well, I’m not sure if this has improved the way students learn or not.  I guess things are similar in that if students want to learn, they still have to go to class, read, and make essays, et cetera, but I suppose on the other hand everything is now done on computer and is not written by hand.  Learning is certainly more convenient though.
3. It’s a good question, but yes, I think it has.  I can imagine a time very soon, when everyone will use videophones— it will be much more useful than only hearing a voice.  If it is used a lot in business, you can have face-to-face meetings when you are very far apart.  This will save a lot of time and money for travelling to meetings.
4. I doubt that those people who can’t use a computer will find office work easily.  However, there will always be jobs where you don’t need to use one, for example manual jobs where you use your hands to make things—like a construction worker or something like that.
5. I believe things have changed dramatically.  For example, it was only a few years ago that students would have to use books to find information, whereas today, the Internet is the first place students go.  This must be a good thing, so yes, in my opinion, things have improved.
6. In my view, it’s not as easy to find a job if you cannot use a computer because you do not have the skills most companies require.  I mean, you cannot communicate well if you cannot use email … and another thing is perhaps you have to use a database.
7. For me it’s much easier to do research these days, you know, to find things.  Before, it was more difficult to find things out. What I mean to say is, you had to read many journals to find the information you were searching for.
1. I think email has changed the way we communicate at work.  Of course it’s much ______________ and ______________ writing a letter.  When we get to work, there can be lots of emails to respond to, so I suppose in some ways email is also ______________ before.
2. Going to a library and using the Internet ______________ they are both great sources of information.  Maybe I’m old-fashioned, but I prefer reading a book to an article on a computer screen.  The Internet is fantastic, but it’s ______________  going to a library.  I suppose ______________  you can hold a book, you know, pick it up and turn the pages…
3. Video calling on my mobile is great fun.  I love doing it. ______________, it’s expensive, so I prefer to use video calling on my laptop.  It’s ______________ using my mobile.  In fact, it’s free.
4. Training people to be computer literate is expensive in the short term; ______________, it will eventually benefit the national economy.
1. I think email has changed the way we communicate at work.  Of course it’s much quicker and cheaper than writing a letter.  When we get to work, there can be lots of emails to respond to, so I suppose in some ways email is also more time-consuming than before.
2. Going to a library and using the Internet are similar in that they are both great sources of information.  Maybe I’m old-fashioned, but I prefer reading a book to an article on a computer screen.  The Internet is fantastic, but it’s not as enjoyable as going to a library.  I suppose one of the main differences is that you can hold a book, you know, pick it up and turn the pages…
3. Video calling on my mobile is great fun.  I love doing it. However, it’s expensive, so I prefer to use video calling on my laptop.  It’s much cheaper than using my mobile.  In fact, it’s free.
4. Training people to be computer literate is expensive in the short term; on the other hand, it will eventually benefit the national economy.
With your group, see if you can make at least 5 sentences of comparison using these phrases.  (You can choose what to compare and contrast.  Anything is okay: food, candy, clothing, school, sports, music, celebrities, et cetera.)
are similar in that, cheaper than, however, is much cheaper than, is not as enjoyable as, more time-consuming than, on the other hand, one of the main differences is that, quicker

1. __________________________________________________________________________________

2. __________________________________________________________________________________

3. __________________________________________________________________________________

4. __________________________________________________________________________________

5. __________________________________________________________________________________

Student A
Describe an important e-mail you have sent.
You should say:
Who the email was to
What it was about
If you got a reply
And explain why the email was important.

You may use this space to take notes.

Student B
Describe an important e-mail you have received.
You should say:
Who the email was from
What it was about
If you sent  a reply
And explain why the email was important.

You may use this space to take notes.

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