Saturday, April 23, 2016

Topic Lesson: Elementary, Plan Your Own Trip

(TESOL Worksheets--Topic Lesson)

This is a lesson I used to review the material in Unit 7 of the Life Elementary Textbook, which had the theme of travelling, and the grammar point of comparative and superlative adjectives.
However, I think it also stands on it's own as in independent topic lesson, so I'm posting it here as something independent.

The lesson plan basically follows the slide presentation.
First, there are various lead-in questions about students experiences travelling, and what they want from a vacation.  These are all done in pairs, with class feedback afterwards.

Then, students are given four trips (on the handout) and match these trips to the pictures (on the slide show).

Then the detailed information about the four trips are posted around the room, and students have to walk around the room and collect information about the various trips.

Then there's some vocabulary work, that is done on a worksheet and feedback on a PowerPoint.

Then, students are put into groups and design their own tour.

They are then assigned a partner from a different group, and they have to tell their partner about their tour.

Then the various tours are posted around the room.  Students are given comment cards to leave under the tours, and with a partner, they read about the different tours, and post their comments underneath.

Finally, each group presents their tour to the class, and the class votes on which tour they want to go on.  The group with the most votes wins.

The Google Slides is here (slides, pub)

All of the worksheets are in one document. (drive, docs, pub)

1. Come and join us for a mountain climbing adventure.  You’ll see beautiful scenery as you hike up the mountain.  There will be plenty of adventure and exercise.  And also plenty of fresh air.  You’ll definitely get healthy. 

2. Four days and nights on the most relaxing beach ever.  Come out every day and sit in the sun with a nice cool drink.  Listen to the waves.  Build a castle in the sand.  Eat our delicious sea food.

3. Spend 5 days hitting all the best shopping centers in Bangkok.  We’ll guide you around and show you the big shopping malls, and the little street markets.  Make sure you bring your money with you.

4. Come see some of the most beautiful rain forest around.  Walk through with our guides, and see the waterfalls, trees, and tropical flowers.

1. Come and join us for a mountain climbing adventure.  You’ll see beautiful scenery as you hike up the mountain.  There will be plenty of adventure and exercise.  And also plenty of fresh air.  You’ll definitely get healthy. 

2. Four days and nights on the most relaxing beach ever.  Come out every day and sit in the sun with a nice cool drink.  Listen to the waves.  Build a castle in the sand.  Eat our delicious sea food.

3. Spend 5 days hitting all the best shopping centers in Bangkok.  We’ll guide you around and show you the big shopping malls, and the little street markets.  Make sure you bring your money with you.

4. Come see some of the most beautiful rain forest around.  Walk through with our guides, and see the waterfalls, trees, and tropical flowers.

Mountain Climbing Adventure:
Come and join us for a mountain climbing adventure.  You’ll see beautiful scenery as you hike up the mountain.  There will be plenty of adventure and exercise.  And also plenty of fresh air.  You’ll definitely get healthy. 
Place: The mountains
Time: 1 week of hiking.
Price:              Flights $200.
                        Guides: $50 a day’
                        Food: $20 dollars a day
                        hotels: free—(You’ll sleep in a tent in the mountains.)

Beach Resort Relaxation
4 days and nights on the most relaxing beach ever.  Come out every day and sit in the sun with a nice cool drink.  Listen to the waves.  Build a castle in the sand.  Eat our delicious sea food.
Place: The beach
Time: 4 days and nights
Price:              Flights $200
                        Hotels: $50 a night
                        Food and drinks: $75 dollars a day

Shopping in Bangkok
Spend 5 days hitting all the best shopping centers in Bangkok.  We’ll guide you around and show you the big shopping malls, and the little street markets.  Make sure you bring your money with you.
Time: 5 days
Place: Bangkok
Price:              Flights: $100
                        Hotels: $30 a night
                        Food: on your own
                        Shopping: on your own

Nature Walk in the Rain Forest
Come see some of the most beautiful rain forest around.  Walk through with our guides, and see the waterfalls, trees, and tropical flowers.
Time: 1 day hike
Place: the rainforest
Price:              Bus: $10
                        Tour Guides: $20

Vocabulary: Match the word to the definition

1. tour_____

2. vacation_____

3. hotel_____

4. guide (noun) _____

5. guide (verb) _____

6. price_____

7. scenery_____

8. relaxing_____

9. place_____

10. join_____
A). a visit to and around a place, area, or country

B). a position, building, town, area, etc

C). making you feel relaxed

D). to do something or go somewhere with someone

E). to help someone go somewhere

F). the attractive, natural things that you see in the countryside

G). someone whose job is to show interesting places to visitors, or to help people get somewhere

H). the amount of money that you pay to buy something

I). a place where you pay to stay when you are away from home

J). a time when someone does not go to work or school but is free to do what they want, such as travel or relax

Design your own tour.
(Be sure to include: Where the tour will go to, what people will do on your tour, How much it will cost, and why people should join your tour)













Check one:
I want to join this tour_____
I don’t want to join this tour_____


Check one:
I want to join this tour_____
I don’t want to join this tour_____


Check one:
I want to join this tour_____
I don’t want to join this tour_____


Check one:
I want to join this tour_____
I don’t want to join this tour_____


Check one:
I want to join this tour_____
I don’t want to join this tour_____


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