Friday, June 05, 2015

Youtube Videos Authentic Listening: What is a Home Exchange Vacation?

I originally designed this listening to lead in to a lesson on Home Swaps (for the Lifestyle Intermediate textbook).  But perhaps it can also be used on its own.
The Youtube Video is online here.  The PowerPoint Presentation is embedded below, and on Google (drive, slides, pub).  The transcript is on Google (drive, docs, pub), and below. 

1.  Watch the video.  What is a home exchange holiday?  Would you be interested in doing a home exchange holiday?

2.  Watch the video again.  What are the advantages of doing a home exchange holiday?

listen again and fill in the missing words:
So, what is a home exchange vacation?  Well, a home exchange is where you swap your home for someone else’s home, so that you both _____________ free accommodation.  Simply as that.  Okay, so let’s take Bob.  Bob and his wife Janice live in New York, but have always dreamed of visiting England—you know, the Queen, fish and chips, all that kind of stuff.  So Bob and Janice join home base holidays, where they add some details and photos of their home.  They browse through the thousands of home exchange offers available and narrow their _____________  to homes in England.  Remember?  The Queen, fish and chips, yeah.
They see some homes they really like, and through the site send several messages: “Hi, your home looks lovely.  Would you be interested in an exchange to New York?”  The next day, Bob checks the website and—hey!  There’s a reply from Liz and her husband Phil.  Liz and Phil live in London and would _____________  to visit New York.  So, after getting to know each other, with a few more messages back and forth, Bob and Janice agree to a two week home exchange with Liz and Phil.  Yay!
With a home exchange vacation, you’ll save lots of money.  Hotels aren’t cheap you know.  Oh, and you can even save more by swapping cars, _____________  after each other’s pets, kids—well, maybe not the kids, have flexibility, cook your own meals, and enjoy the space of having a comfortable home base, live like a local, get a real feel for the places you visit, met new people—home swaps often lead to new, lifelong _____________.  And with home base holidays, you’ll also get more than 25 years of home exchange experience.  Now, that’s a lot of experience.  So, what are you waiting for?  Join Homebase Holidays and travel, the home exchange way.

So, what is a home exchange vacation?  Well, a home exchange is where you swap your home for someone else’s home, so that you both enjoy free accommodation.  Simply as that.  Okay, so let’s take Bob.  Bob and his wife Janice live in New York, but have always dreamed of visiting England—you know, the Queen, fish and chips, all that kind of stuff.  So Bob and Janice join home base holidays, where they add some details and photos of their home.  They browse through the thousands of home exchange offers available and narrow their search to homes in England.  Remember?  The Queen, fish and chips, yeah.
They see some homes they really like, and through the site send several messages: “Hi, your home looks lovely.  Would you be interested in an exchange to New York?”  The next day, Bob checks the website and—hey!  There’s a reply from Liz and her husband Phil.  Liz and Phil live in London and would love to visit New York.  So, after getting to know each other, with a few more messages back and forth, Bob and Janice agree to a two week home exchange with Liz and Phil.  Yay!
With a home exchange vacation, you’ll save lots of money.  Hotels aren’t cheap you know.  Oh, and you can even save more by swapping cars, looking after each other’s pets, kids—well, maybe not the kids, have flexibility, cook your own meals, and enjoy the space of having a comfortable home base, live like a local, get a real feel for the places you visit, met new people—home swaps often lead to new, lifelong friends.  And with home base holidays, you’ll also get more than 25 years of home exchange experience.  Now, that’s a lot of experience.  So, what are you waiting for?  Join Homebase Holidays and travel, the home exchange way.

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