Sunday, October 12, 2014

Class Evaluation

(TESOL Worksheets--Class Evaluation
[End of the term class evaluation sheets.  These classroom worksheets have been evolving a lot.  Initially I just asked the students to write what they liked or didn't like about the class, but I found that much of the comments would be focused on how they didn't like the textbook, they didn't like the fact that the air conditioners didn't work properly, they didn't like the lack of parking at the school, and they didn't like the fact that the classrooms were always dirty--in other words, most of the complaints were focused on the school or the curriculum, things that I had no control over.  So in order to fine tune the feedback a little bit, I gave them 3 questions at the top to write about the class in general, so that they could get all their complaints about the classroom and the air conditioner out of their system before they got to questions focusing on the teacher.
I consistently got overwhelmingly positive feedback from all my students, which I was pleased with, of course, but over time I realized that this was probably less because I was a super teacher, and more because the students were too polite to bluntly write in their dislikes.  Even under the cloak of anonymity, the students would still feel bound by basic rules of politeness, and wouldn't bluntly write in their complaints.
I began to notice that many of my colleagues were using more fine-tuned evaluation sheets--what kind of activities did you enjoy in this class, what kind of activities did you not enjoy, et cetera.  I experimented with creating one of these sheets for my young learner classes, which is the second evaluation sheet below.  The first version of the evaluation sheet is on Google drive here (drive, docs, pub), the second version here (drive, docs, pub).  (The Young Learner one contains some information unique to that specific class--the titles of the graded readers used, but this can be easily edited.)
The last sheet (drive, docs, pub) is used for a group of students which I had for two consecutive terms, and was used at the start of the second term to see if they wanted to change anything. ]

Class Evaluation
Teacher’s Name___________________ Class level________________ Class time_______
11.       What did you think about this class?

22.       What did you like about this class?

33.      What did you dislike about this class?

44.      What did you think about this teacher?

55.      What did you like about this teacher?

66.      What did you dislike about this teacher?


11.    Write down one activity you wanted to do more of during this class:


22.    Write down an activity you wanted to do less of from this class.


33.    Write down one new thing you learned from this class:

44.    Which story did you enjoy the most from this class?  Please circle one:

Frankenstein, The Adventures of Tin Tin, The Phantom of the Opera, Girl on a Motorcycle


55.    Any other thoughts or opinions about the class?


What activities / lessons from last term did you enjoy?

What activities did you find most useful for your learning?

What activities/lessons did you not enjoy?

What activities did you not find useful for your learning?

What would you like to change?

What would you like to keep the same?

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