Friday, January 31, 2014


            Judged simply on its visuals alone, this film gets a solid 10.  Technology has progressed to such a point that these walking-talking anthropomorphic animated animals actually look real.  And the bizarre characters and setting of this film are wonderful.
            With all this, you would expect a story that is equally bizarrely wonderful.  Unfortunately, what you get is a story that is just another conventional children’s movie.
            Still, it’s not entirely unenjoyable.


For my review of Chinatown, see here.  (Much of the plot of Rango is borrowed from Chinatown.)

Link of the Day
Noam Chomsky - On TomCast  (27-04-2010)


  1. Saw this in the theatres, back in the day. The graphics are indeed incredible, but almost revoltingly so. The texture and skin tones, the sheen on the eye-balls took some getting used to.

    Then there's the setting. Adult viewers learn to endure a certain degree of cognitive dissonance in kids movies, but this one was off the charts. A pet escapes and learns to live ... in the wild? Nope. In an animal town that's about to be replaced with an animal suburbia -- settings which do not "resemble" the human world, but mirror it without so much as a wink at the conceit. I tend to give John Lasseter a hard time, but he would never have given this concept the green light.

    Still, there were lines that got me chuckling, and, "That was a bad idea," had me in stitches.

  2. You had to give the setting a lot of space, definitely. I kind of liked the visuals of a wild west town populated by anthropomorphic animals--especially since the CGI seemed so incredibly realistic. But then I was disappointed that they didn't really do anything interesting with that setting.
