Tuesday, June 04, 2013

Traffic Rules in Cambodia

Traffic in Cambodia is a continuous source of amusement to all of us foreigners here.  For all intents and purposes there is no functioning police system, so you can get away with pretty much anything you want, but, why would you want to risk your life?  Especially since there's no decent hospitals in Cambodia (and most of the Cambodians on motorbikes aren't insured anyway, and when they get into a bad accident, like many of them do sooner or later, they are given very low quality of care if anything.)
My conclusion, after watching motorbikes daily risk their lives in Cambodia doing stupid maneuvers,  is that human beings inherently aren't rational.  We just act on impulse and experience.  If you've never got in a bad motorbike accident yet, your experience begins to tell you that you are invincible, and you start taking even greater risks.

See also this article from Penhpal.com
Cambodia Road Rules
and from Khmer440.com
The Top 5 Cambodian Road Hazards

On a completely different note entirely, I've enjoyed Whisky's careful analysis of the first Rambo movie.  See
Is First Blood Sylvester Stallone's Last Tango In Paris? 
and "I'm A Real Wild Child” The (Tragically Temporary) Salvation of John J. Rambo
(I have my own thoughts on the politics of Rambo, but I'll save that for another day.)

And while I'm linking to Whisky's blog, I thought his post on Rob Ford was worth reading as well:
O, Canada -- What Is Up With Your Politics?

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