Friday, February 01, 2013


Did the Pro-Life Movement Lead to More Single Moms? A legacy conservatives have not grappled with.

If asked, I think most conservatives would probably say they would prefer a single-mother household to an aborted fetus.  And that's fine.  But then at the very least they can't keep doing those Dan Quayle style attacks on single-mother households.


  1. we're doing an intensive full-church study on Jesus' sermon on the mount, and it is quite clear that divorce is not to be used, except for very dire and particular circumstances. I think conservatives tend to shy away from the issue, and rather, attempt to be compassionate to those in the single-parent situation in other ways.

  2. Fair point on divorce--that's a different kettle of fish.

    The article I think was referring to unwed mothers who become pregnant. If the conservatives are going to tell them not to have an abortion, then the conservatives can't go around and criticize single parent households--like Dan Quayle famously did in this speech:

    ...although granted that speech is over 20 years old now. Maybe things have changed?
