Saturday, June 08, 2024

Is the Deuterocanonical Referenced in the New Testament?

(Commonplace Book)

All seven of the deuterocanonical books, 1 and 2 Maccabees, Judith, Tobit, Baruch, Sirach and The Wisdom of Solomon, are known and referred to by authors in the New Testament...
Strange, I had learned that one of the reasons that the Protestants rejected the Deuterocanon is precisely because it wasn't ever referred to in the New Testament.  Is Lawrence Boadt right?

Well, I googled it, and came across this website: Deuterocanonical References in the New Testament.
It looks like, from what I can tell, there are no direct references to the Deuterocanon in the New Testament, but there are several passages which might be references.

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