Sunday, May 15, 2022

Once again, I'm a few days late on this (it's been another busy week), but there's a new episode of Revolutions Podcast out: 10.96- Starving To Death: You know we're covering an upbeat period of history when the title of the episode is "Starving To Death"

As the subtitle indicates, it's a depressing episode of history.  And yet, as always, I learned so many things from this episode that I found it interesting in spite of its grim subject matter.
As Mike Duncan emphasizes at the end of this episode, the really fascinating thing about all of this is how it was ultimately Herbert Hoover and the Americans who saved the Soviet Union!  That's something that seems to have been forgotten about during the decades of enmity during the cold war.

Other Random Thoughts:
* The description of the horror of famine in this episode scares me a bit.  Especially since I've been reading a lot about the speculation of crop failures in my own lifetime due to Climate Change.  (I really hope it never comes to that, but from everything I've been reading, it seems like it's a possibility if humanity doesn't get its act together.)

* Mike Duncan repeats in this episode something that he said last episode--there are only a few more episodes left in this series.  But based on what he outlined, the remaining episodes sound like they're going to be really fascinating.  Sounds like he's going to cover everything I hoped he would cover, but just pick up the pace a little bit.  

* Mike Duncan was a few days late in getting this episode out this week, as he explained about HERE and HERE 

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