Wednesday, September 08, 2021

Listening Lesson About Buying Gifts

(TESOL Materials--Listening)

Youtube Video HERE
Worksheet: docs, pub
[I've previously posted this video HERE, but I'm now repurposing it as a listening exercise.]

Watch the Video:

Listening Lesson About Buying Gifts

All right, good afternoon everyone. 

Good afternoon.

How are you doing? 


Good, good. All right, so you remember William’s lesson, right? Hopefully. Talking about presents, yeah? We're going to talk about presents some more today. So, here, let me just move this up a little bit. More presents, okay? So in William’s lesson you talked in your group about when you get presents, right? Yeah, all right, we're going to think about that a little more. I want you to think about when you get presents, but also when you buy presents, or when you give presents to other people. Okay? All right. So you've already talked about this. Does anyone have any good ideas of when you buy presents?  




Ah okay. Receive, you said? Yeah, hold that thought. Good, but what time? When? 


Okay good. 

Merry Christmas.

Ah yes, yes. Those are the big ones, huh? 

Valentine’s Day.

Ah right, okay, good, so we've got birthdays, Christmas, yeah lots of presents at Christmas, right? Valentine's Day. Okay, good, let's get some more. Any others? 

New Year’s Day.

Ah, right, New Year's. Okay. So let's see, Hong you’re from Vietnam right? 


Yeah, so in Vietnam you get presents at New Year's? Okay, right. Does anyone else buy presents at New Year's. No, only Vietnam? Yeah, okay. These might be different from country to country. But yeah, good, I'll put that up. Yeah I--I don't buy any presents during New Year's, but some--some countries do, right? Yeah, okay, good, good. Any others? 


Oh yeah? 

Mother’s Day. Father’s Day.

Okay, good. Yes, those are important. Right. Mother's Day, Father's Day. 

Marriage Birthday.


Marriage Birthday.  Married Birthday.

Ah right, right, the--the--the marriage birthday. Good, good. We have a special word for that in English. Does anyone know? 


Yeah, good, okay good, so the marriage birthday is, you call that the anniversary. Yeah. And actually instead of marriage, I'll put wedding. Anniversary. Okay, good, good. So that, yeah, the marriage birthday, wedding anniversary. But yeah, that--that's good. And is that--is that the same in all the countries? Do you have to buy presents for the wedding anniversary? Yeah? Okay, good. Any others? 

The day with the chocolate rabbit.

Ah, yes, the chocolate rabbit.  Good. Does anyone know? The chocolate rabbit holiday?

Brazil, we get lots of presents.

Okay, you get lots of presents. Okay, good. Does anyone know? We had this in Australia a few months ago? 


Okay, good. Easter. Alright, good, I think we have enough to start off with. So, all of these things, right, they're all special days. What do we call them? Yeah? No? 

Say holiday.

Ah yes, okay, yeah, good some of these are holidays, right? Easter is a holiday, Christmas is a holiday. Yeah. On some of these, like a wedding anniversary or a birthday, aren't holidays or they're not holidays for everyone at the same time. But we do have a word, it starts with an “O”. A special… No? A special occasion. Right. An occasion is a special day or a special event like a wedding or a birthday or a holiday where you buy gifts for somebody. All right. Now, in my case, the last time I bought a gift was for Mother's Day. Right. I bought my mother a gift.  What do you think I bought? What's a good gift for a mother? 


Money? For your mother? Really? Yeah?  That might have been a good idea. I didn't think of that. I got her something else. 


Okay. Good.




Paraform? Ah, perfume, yes, sorry, yes, perfume, yes, that's a good idea. Good. Clothes is good.  You said ring, right? Good. Ring is good. Do you remember from William’s lesson, what is a ring? 


Okay, there--there's a word that would cover all of that, right? 


Okay, good. Jewelry, right? So I got my mother jewelry for Mother's Day. It ah... I went down to the shopping mall. It cost about 25 dollars. Oh, and I also got her one of these. Okay, yeah, good, good. I--I--I got a card for the present, right? I wrote, “Dear Mother, I love you very much, signed Joel” And... it was a very nice card and I sent the card and the jewelry and she liked it very much. All right. So, I gave my mother…


... jewelry, good. All right, good. So I--I gave my mother jewelry, right? What about my mother? You had this one, right? My mother... 


...okay good.. received jewelry from me. Right, so, I gave my mother jewelry. My mother received the jewelry from me. Yeah. I-- I gave, she received. Okay, good, right, so Karen what do you think? Would you like to receive jewelry? 


Yeah, you would? Okay, and it was Yung, right? 


Yes, would you like to receive jewelry? 


No? Okay, good. What--what kind of present would you like to receive? 


Clothes, okay, good.  Lilian, would you like to receive jewelry? 


Yes, okay, good.  Jason would you like to receive jewelry?


No, okay what kind of present would you like to receive?


Money? Ah, money. Okay. All right, yeah, me too actually. Yeah, money’s always very nice to receive. Yes, okay, good. Um... how much money would be good for a present?

One million.

A million? Ah, yes. A million would be very nice. I--I don't have any friends who can

give me a million, unfortunately. If you get money from a friend, or as a present, what--what would be, maybe not nice, but what would be usual to get?  


Yeah, I mean a million would be very nice, what would be usual for a present?



100, 50, okay, good. Yeah, and it depends, doesn’t it?  100, 50. And 100 what? In Australia what kind of money?

Australian dollars.

Okay, yeah, good, good, in Australia they use dollars, right? So 100 Australian dollars, hundred dollars, fifty dollars, but it changes from country to country, right? So, I’m sorry, what was your name? 


Ah, Martina, where are you from?


Taiwan, What--what kind of money do they use in Taiwan?


Ah, you use dollars as well. Okay. Anyone from a country that doesn't use dollars? Yeah?

I use Euro.

Yeah, okay so you must be from Europe.

Ah, yes, Italy.

Okay, you use the Euro. Okay. And in Brazil?


Okay. Reals? Okay, all right, good. Well, today we're going to look at a boy named Eddie. Yeah, he--yeah, his name is Eddie. He's from England. Has anyone ever been to England? No? Never? Okay, well, what kind of money?


Okay, good, good in England they use the pound, right? It looks like this. Yeah, at least on a word processor it looks like this. This is the word processing symbol for pound, right? How much is a pound? One pound.

2 dollars.

Yeah, two--two dollars?  Yeah, about, yes. According to the Internet, it said one pound  in Australian dollars is about 1.68 Australian dollars. Okay. All right, good. So Eddie is going to talk about the last time he bought a present, and we're going to listen to the story and I've got some questions for you. I'll hand these out. Here you go. So this-- this is about the last time Eddie bought a present. Here you go. All right so, first question, number one, who was the present for? You have either his friend, right? Or his sister. I'm going to play the CD. I want you to listen, and when you hear the answer yell out…


Okay, good, good, yell out stop. All right.  Um… and minute. Let’s see, this was working a minute ago.

Track 31. Big.

Track 32. The last present I bought was from my sister. It was her birthday. 


Okay. That was pretty quick, wasn't it? All right, so who was the present for?


Okay, good, so you got the sheet, you can circle sister, right? It's a present for his sister. All right, good. So we have eight more questions. What was the occasion?


Oh right, yes you already heard that one, huh? Okay.  Good, well if you got that you can circle it. Next, number three, where did he go shopping for the present? Did he know what he was going to buy? What did he buy in the end? How much did he spend? Did he buy a card too? Did the person like the present? Person is the sister, right? And was it the sort of present he would like to receive? All right, so, going to play this again, listen and see if you can circle the answers.

Track 32. The last present I bought was for my sister.  It was her birthday. In fact, it was her 30th birthday. Thirty isn't very old, but she was quite upset. She liked being in her 20s, and she thought 30 was really old. Anyway, I didn't know what to get her, so I went on the Internet to find something. I didn't have any ideas, but I wanted something special. Eventually I found a really good present.  I thought it was unusual and just perfect for her. It was a foot spa. My sister's a teacher, and she stands up all day, so a foot spa is great for relaxing in the evening. It was expensive--about 50 pounds. But she's my sister and 30 is a special birthday. I bought a lovely card, and wrote a funny message in it. I put, “Now you’re 30, you're too old to die young. On her birthday, I gave her the present, but unfortunately she didn't like it at all. She said that a foot spa is a good present for a grandmother, not for a young woman. I was really surprised! I’d love a foot spa. And then when she read the card she cried. What a disaster!

Okay, good, now I want you to check your answers with the people at your table. Okay? So you can check your answers together, make sure you've got the same answers, or you can talk about the answers. Check together.

Ah sorry, excuse me  


Just one thing. What is a foot spa?

Ah, yes. 

It’s the only thing I don’t understand.

That's a good question. We'll get to that. Yeah.


All set over here? Okay, good, let's come back here. We'll go over these together. Number one we already did, right? It was his…


Sister. Good, okay good. Number two was…


... good it was for her birthday. Good. By the way, how old was she?


Right, it was her 30th birthday, right? She was thirty. Good. What do you think? Is thirty old? Young?



Thirty is not old. 

Yeah, yeah. It’s not too old, is it? Yeah. No, I agree. Good, all right, good. Um, number three, where did he go shopping for the present?

On the Internet.

Okay, good on the Internet. Has anyone ever done any shopping on the Internet?


Yeah? What--what did you buy?

Second book. Books.

Oh right, second hand books. Yeah old books.  Yeah, Yeah, okay, good. Has anyone else ever bought books on the Internet. Yeah? Yeah, me too. Yeah I always buy books on the Internet. Yeah, it's very cheap that way, huh? All right, good. Number four, did he know what he was going to buy?

No, he didn’t.

Okay, good, no, he didn't. All right, number five, what did he buy in the end?

A foot spa.

A foot spa, good. What is a foot spa?

A foot spa.

Okay good, that's right, but what is it? Does anyone know?

A foot spa like a foot massage.

O-okay good. And you had the same thing, right?

Maybe, a foot massage. Like a foot massage.

Okay, okay. Good, good, exactly. Right? Did you hear that?

Oh yes, foot massage.

Right, right, so it's got hot water…

Because the spa in Italy is different. It’s a society for um, oh I don’t know how to say, but it’s a term for an association, or society, something with economy, something… it’s different, sorry.

Right, right, okay, yes, so you’re thinking foot spa, what…  yeah, okay. Good, no they--they've got it. In fact I've got a picture here of a foot spa. Yeah. Yeah, what do you think? Is this a nice gift? Would you like to receive this?


No? Wh-- why not? Why?

Old men.

Ah, it’s for old men. Well, yeah, maybe, but it would still feel nice, right? 

Yeah, but I don’t need it.

Yeah. I'd like it, but ah… alright. Alright, good number six, how much did he spend?

fifty pounds.

Good, fifty pounds. What do you think? Is that cheap? Expensive?


Yeah, a little bit expensive, huh? Yeah, all right, good. Did he buy a card too?

Yes, he did.

Okay, good, yes, he did. Did he write a message in the card?


Yeah. What--what did he write?

Now your old.

Okay, yeah, it was along the lines of you--you are old, right? It was--I think you are too old to die young. All right, good, um, so yes for seven. Number eight, did his sister like the present?

No, she didn’t.

Okay, good, no. why not?

She said that foot spa just for old woman.

Okay, good, good, good. She thought the foot spa was just for old people. Good. What about Eddie?


Was-- was it the sort of present he would like to receive? Okay, good, yes it was. All right, great, well, next we're going to-- going to give you a sheet. Now these are the same questions, but this time it's your turn. I want you to think about the last present that you bought for somebody, okay? And who was the present for, what was the occasion, where did you buy the present, did you know what you wanted, did they like it, right? So think about yourself the last time you bought a present, and answer these questions.

All right, good, I think everyone's just about finished. All right, next you're going to talk to a partner and you're going to ask them these questions, and maybe write down their answers. Ok? So let's see, can you two work together? And, let’s see, can you two work together? And Lilian would you mind working with Karen? Yeah? And then you two, and then... is three okay? Okay, good. So, go through these questions, the same questions, and then ask your partner what their answers to these questions are, okay? So, here you go. Here you go. Here you go. Okay. Oh, an extra. Thanks. Okay, good, so this is a speaking activity. You can talk. So, okay, ask each other.

Alright, yeah, good. 

Graduation day.

Okay, good, good, yeah. In fact, you probably don’t even need the day here, you can just say “graduation”.  Um… anniversary?  Well, it was just one time, right? Yeah, an anniversary is like..

When moving every year

Yeah, when every year, like she said, like it’s almost like a marriage birthday, you remember the date. 

Just graduation.

Right, just graduation, yeah.

A tie.

Okay, yeah, good, tie is okay. But like a necktie?


Yes, ah, the spelling, right. Sorry. T-I


Yeah, she's got it. Good.

I don’t… I’m sorry, I don’t know. Yeah.

Okay, good then.  That’s good. The idea before. Yeah.

Ah right. Yeah good. Vase. Vase. Vase. Ah yeah, it’s spelled V-A-S-E. Yeah, good. Vase. Vase.

Ah, yeah, right, okay. Okay, good, yeah, you can just put the jewelry shop. Yeah, yeah, or jewelry store.

Right, okay, good, all finished here. Okay.

Okay, all finished here? Alright, good. Next, let's go into person number two. Ah, yeah, I’ll tell you what, these guys are finished, so could you switch places with ah…


Yeah, okay, good. We're going to go on to person number two now, so Hong could you go back over here?


Ah, right, finished over here? Okay. Finished? Are you finished over here? Finished? Okay. Ah, last question. It’s okay. You can skip the last question. Um, I’ll tell you what, can, can Kate sit here, with Hiroto, and Martina can you come here with these guys. And, um, I’ll tell you what, why don’t you go and join this group here, they’re almost done. Yeah, it’s okay. You can skip the last one. Okay, good. We’re going to change things up here for person number two. Alright, so, let’s see, Jason can you come over here. And, ah, right, work with a group of three.  Yung, 

Ah, all finished again? Okay, good, I’m going to stop you here.  Yeah, I know some of you are still working on this, but we’ll finish here, and then go on to the next teacher.

Watch the Video:

Listen to Eddie talk about the last time he bought somebody a present.  Circle the correct answer.

1). Who was the present for? His friend / sister.

2). What was the occasion? Her birthday / wedding anniversary.

3). Where did he go shopping for the present? To the city centre / On the Internet.

4). Did he know what he was going to buy? Yes, he did. / No, he didn’t.

5). What did he buy in the end? Jewellery / A foot spa.

6). How much did he spend? About £50 / £15.

7). Did he buy a card too? Yes, he did / No, he didn’t.

8). Did the person like the present? Yes she did / No she didn’t.

9). Was it the sort of present he would like to receive? Yes, it was. / No, it wasn’t.


1). Who was the present for? 

His sister.

2). What was the occasion? 

Her birthday 

3). Where did he go shopping for the present? 

On the Internet.

4). Did he know what he was going to buy? 

No, he didn’t.

5). What did he buy in the end?

A foot spa.

6). How much did he spend? 

About £50

7). Did he buy a card too? 

Yes, he did.

8). Did the person like the present? 

No she didn’t.

9). Was it the sort of present he would like to receive? 

Yes, it was. 


Cambridge CELTA Lesson plan Week 1

Name ____________Joel Swagman_____ Date _June 22, 2010_____________________

TP No _____3_______ Time (minutes) ____40___ Level ____pre-intermediate_____________

AIMS (For sts to learn/revise/practise... To enable sts to... To develop the skill of ...)

Listening practice: for students to develop listening skills

Speaking practice: for students to develop increased speaking skills


White board, markers, various worksheets, pictures

TARGET LANGUAGE Complete this section if you are teaching vocabulary, grammar or functions.

What words or sentences are you teaching?

Try to analyse the language for form, meaning and pronunciation.

Will introduce new words in this lesson (foot spa, jewellery, wedding anniversary, occasion, pounds et cetera) but none of these words are target vocabulary, so no pronunciation drills

Aim of stage: elicit vocab

time: 5-10 min

interaction: T---Ss

procedural steps: Talk with students about when they normally give presents. Elicit some target vocabulary

Aim of stage: gain listening skills

time: 10 min

interaction: T---Ss

procedural steps: Listening (Set up, pre listening, peer check, and post listening)

Aim of stage: practice written production

time: 10 min

interaction: Ss---T

procedural steps: Students write down the answers to the sheet. Teacher monitors and assists as needed

Aim of stage: practice spoken production

time: 10 min

interaction: Ss---Ss

procedural steps: Students talk to their partner and complete their own sheet. Teacher monitors. (If time allows, there is space for students to record the answers of 3 extra people in addition to their first partner. If short on time, skip the additional people.)

Aim of stage: practice reporting (changing to 3rd person)

time: 5 min (time permitting)

interaction: Ss---Tt

procedural steps: Pairs report back to the class on what they found (time permitting)

Additional Notes:

Sample dialogue: Eliciting vocabulary

Good afternoon everyone. Today, we’re going to talk about...presents! (Show picture of present.) When do we give presents?

(Try to elicit: Birthdays, Christmas, Weddings, anniversary, et cetera.

(If necessary: anniversary elicitation technique: Is anyone here married? When were you married? So what day is __(date)______ for you?

Good, so these are all examples of what? (try to elicit or teach “occasion”)

Ask students: Would you like to receive jewellery? What sort of present would you like to receive?

Set up listening, sample dialogue:

When you buy a present for someone, how much money do you usually spend? (Answers). Okay, good. Now in Australia, what kind of money do we use? $, right? What about in Japan? Brazil? (et cetera).

This is Eddie. Eddie is from England. What kind of money do they use in England? (Try to elicit Pound. Show symbol picture.)

Does anyone know how much one pound is worth? What is one pound worth in Australian dollars? According to the internet, one pound is about equal to 1.68 Australian dollars.

Now, Eddie bought a present for someone. We’re going to listen to the CD about Eddie’s present.

(Set up listening: do first example, and then read through 

Have students peer check with each other.

Check answers.

Additional questions when checking answers.

#2. Her birthday. Right. How old was she? 30. Is 30 old?

#3. On the internet. Have you ever bought something on the internet? What did you buy? I buy books, has anyone bought books on the internet?

#5. Right, a foot spa. What is a foot spa, does anyone know? (Elicit answer, or show picture.) What do you use this for?

#6. Fifty pounds. Right. What do you think, is that expensive?

#7. What did he write on the card? (If no answer, set as task for follow up listening).

#8. Did she like the present? Why? (If no answer, set as task for follow up listening).

Worksheet instructions:

Okay, next, it’s your turn. I want you to think about the last time you gave someone else a present. Not received. Gave. And fill out this sheet. (Give instructions before handing out sheet.)

Listen to Eddie talk about the last time he bought somebody a present.

1). Who was the present for? His friend / sister.

2). What was the occasion? Her birthday / wedding anniversary.

3). Where did he go shopping for the present? To the city centre / On the internet.

4). Did he know what he was going to buy? Yes he did / No, he didn’t.

5). What did he buy in the end? Jewellery / A foot spa.

6). How much did he spend? About £50 / £15.

7). Did he buy a card too? Yes, he did / No, he didn’t.

8). Did the person like the present? Yes she did / No she didn’t.

9). Was it the sort of present he would like to receive? Yes it was / No it wasn’t.

Talk to your classmates and ask them about the last time they bought a present.

1). Who was the present for? 

Person 1 Person 2 Person 3 Person 4

2). What was the occasion? 

Person 1 Person 2 Person 3 Person 4

3). Where did you go shopping for the present? 

Person 1 Person 2 Person 3 Person 4

4). Did you know what you were going to buy?

Person 1 Person 2 Person 3 Person 4

5). What did you buy in the end? 

Person 1 Person 2 Person 3 Person 4

6). Did you buy a card too? 

Person 1 Person 2 Person 3 Person 4

7). Did the person like the present? 

Person 1 Person 2 Person 3 Person 4

8). Was it the sort of present you would like to receive?

Person 1 Person 2 Person 3 Person 4

9). Write your own question here:


Person 1 Person 2 Person 3 Person 4

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