Friday, August 27, 2021

From the Young Turks: Officer Who Shot Ashli Babbitt Reveals Identify

I normally really like the Young Turks, but in this case I'm linking to this video not because I agree with it, but because I disagree with it and I want to make a point.  And also because I'm worried a lot of the dialogue on the left is similar to the points in this video.  
Because of the polarization in America nowadays, the Left feels like it has to disagree with whatever the Right says, and vice-versa.  So because the Right has made a martyr of Ashli Babbitt, the Left feels like it has to argue that her killing was justified.  But this is a mistake.
Ashli Babbitt didn't need to be shot.  She was entering into a restricted area, but she wasn't being violent or threatening anyone's life at the time.  She should have been restrained, but not killed.  Killing someone is an extreme measure to be taken as a last resort.
Her ultimate intentions (had she gotten through) are unclear.  Possibly she would have been violent, but equally possibly she wouldn't have been.

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