Saturday, March 27, 2021

Q: Skills for Success: Listening and Speaking 5: Unit 3 Listening 1: Animal Camouflage p.62-67

(Supplementary Materials for Specific Textbooks--Q: Skills for Success: Listening and Speaking 5)

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90 Second Listening: docs, pub

1. How many forms does the battle for life and death take on?

2. What is the endless struggle in nature?  

3. What has this endless struggle created?

4. What is happening to the balance of power in nature?

5.  What is necessary for survival?

6. What are three examples of conditions that can change?

7.  What are two things that play a part in how animals adapt?

8.  What bird is the ptarmigan similar in size to?  
Where does the ptarmigan live?

9. Besides making it invisible to predators, what other purpose do the ptarmigan’s brown feathers serve?

10. What does the ptarmigan also grow on its feet for winter?
1. (00:05--00:07)_______________________________________________________________


2. (00:07--00:10)_____________________________________________________________


3. (00:10--00:14)_____________________________________________________________


4. (00:14--00:16)_____________________________________________________________


5. (00:16--00:18)_____________________________________________________________



1. In the ruthless world of survival (00:05--00:07)
2. the battle for life and death takes on infinite forms. (00:07--00:10)
3. The endless struggle to eat and avoid being eaten (00:10--00:14)
4. has created weapon and defense systems (00:14--00:16)
5.  that are continuously changing. (00:16--00:18)
Narrator: In the ruthless world of survival, the battle for life and death takes on infinite forms. The endless struggle to eat and avoid being eaten has created weapon and defense systems that are continuously changing. The balance of power in nature is continually shifting. Sometimes it favors the hunter and sometimes the hunted. Those that are best at the game escape from the very jaws of death. 
Adapting is necessary for survival. As conditions change—availability of food and water, temperatures, the presence of predators both animal and human—animals must change to meet the challenges or die. 
Both weather and landscape play a part in how animals adapt. Those that live must be well suited to the demands of the environment. For example, the brown feathers of the ptarmigan, a bird about the size of a pigeon that lives in Europe and North America, make it almost invisible to predators. But the feathers serve another purpose as well—they protect the bird from the extreme cold by keeping its body heat next to its body, as well as keeping the cold air out. 

The ptarmigan also grows long white feathers on its feet for the winter, which act like built-in snowshoes. 

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