Monday, May 18, 2020 know, back in 2016 or 2017 I might have believed that Trump's tax returns would undo him.  But it's 2020.  Can we all wise-up a little?  Whatever these tax returns will expose, it will just make Trump more popular with his base. 
"Look how triggered the liberals are by the awful thing our President has done!  Isn't it great how triggered they are?"


  1. He's changed the game around him, so that it doesn't matter what the MSM reports, or even what Fox News promotes. The only thing the Dems can focus on to win the next election is voter security, and ballots by mail. Fraud is likely to be an enormous risk. Russian meddling is already in full swing. If the Democrats, and enlisted Republicans, double down on assuring voter security, they *might* tip the scales -- if they get enough people to vote.

    But even then 45 will not go. He was keen to play dirty over a close loss last time, you know that's how he'll play it should things swing that way this time (which I don't believe will be the case).

  2. I think I'm beginning to share your pessimism on this.

    I used to think the country would come back to its senses and get rid of Donald Trump the first chance they got. But it's now apparent we're not coming back to our senses anytime soon. This is the new normal.

    That being said... I'm not making predictions for November. The way I see it, Biden's got a 50% chance at the moment. I mean, we could well end up with 4 more years of Trump. But we could also not.
