Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Today in Hey! I know that Guy!

...actually I'm stretching the definition of "know" here a little bit.  I went to the same high school as Justin Amash (he was 2 years younger than me).  I knew of him back in high school (the Amash brothers were locally famous within the high school.  They had a reputation for being highly intelligent and over-achievers). As far as I can remember I never spoke to him personally, but I definitely knew who he was back in high school
...whatever.  I'm counting it. Anyway...

From the Rolling Stone:
Justin Amash: The Last Republican in America

The article even references our old high school briefly:
...That familial influence, combined with his years in the Calvinist schools of West Michigan, shaped Amash into the libertarian he is today...
My own two cents:
Justin Amash is someone who people have difficulty classifying.
My own classification is that he is not an ally of the left.  He is a conservative.  But he is also honest.  And that makes him unique in Washington nowadays.
Sometimes being honest is more important than being ideological.  We need more politicians like Justin Amash, from all sides of the political spectrum.

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