Monday, November 25, 2019

The Channel History Tag!

Dane Reads tagged me in this video:

1. Tell us about your very first video and where you were in life when you filmed it.
2. Tell us about your most viewed video and what went into creating it.
3. Tell us about a video that you were most excited about when you finished it.
4. Tell us about a point in your BookTubing/AuthorTubing career that was particularly challenging either creatively or personally.
5. Tell us about a moment in your BookTubing/AuthorTubing career that was a high point for you, or something you’re particularly proud of.
6. Tell us about an aspect of being a content creator that you had to try really hard to get good at or are still struggling with.
7. Tell us a story that sticks out in your mind that happened as a result of you being a part of BookTube/AuthorTube.
8. Alright, you just spent however long talking about yourself. You’re awesome. We know. It’s why we watch your content. Tell us about someone else in the BookTube/AuthorTube community that you think deserves more attention than they get at the moment.

Tags Playlist HERE

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