Wednesday, October 04, 2017

Honest Trailers and Cinema Sins both had Blade Runner videos out today.
My own review of Blade Runner is here.


  1. I'm really looking forward to the sequel.

    I've been thinking people should disclose where they were when they saw a film for the first time. These days the odds are we saw it at home. My preferred seating is an IKEA chair just a few feet away from the TV, using headphones.

    Movie viewing at home has improved so incredibly during my lifetime that it's a wonder why I bother myself to go out to see them anymore. But Blade Runner is a prime example of what makes the inconvenience worthwhile. The scale of the spectacle is communicated best on the silver screen. And even if the script is a complete dud, I can't wait for the visuals of the sequel to hit me.

    FWIW, the original didn't completely win Roger Ebert over, either. He reviewed the various iterations of the movie, none of which addressed his initial misgivings, before finally including it among his Great Movies.

  2. I never saw Blade Runner on the big screen. But I can imagine. The visuals were so crowded and cluttered on the small screen. I suspect you're right that it does deserve to be seen on the big screen.
