Wednesday, October 04, 2017

English World 2 Unit 10 Reading p.106-107

 (Supplementary Material for Specific Textbooks--English World 2)

Google drive folder HERE
Vocabulary p.106 PowerPoint: drive, slides, pub
Grab the Card: drive, docs, pub
Falling Leaves: drive, docs, pub
Unscramble the words: drive, docs, pub
Wordsearch: drive
Wordsearch answers: drive
Write the word: drive, docs, pub
Crossword puzzle: drive
Crossword puzzle questions: drive, docs, pub
Crossword puzzle grid only: drive, docs, pub
crossword puzzle answers: drive
What Can You See PowerPoint: drive, slides, pub
Crab, Fish or Starfish Worksheet: drive, docs, pub
Crab, Fish or Starfish Quiz PowerPoint: drive, slides, pub
Listen and fill in the blanks worksheet: drive, docs, pub
Listen and fill in the blanks PowerPoint: drive, slides, pub
My favorite Animals PowerPoint: drive, slides, pub
Production: drive, docs, pub

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