Sunday, September 21, 2014

Making Grammar Fun

Making Grammar Fun

This is a professional development session done by a colleague of mine that I attended.  In fact you can see me quite clearly on the far right hand side of the screen for most of the presentation.
I'm including this video here partly because I'm in it (and this is my blog).  And partly because I got a few useful ideas out of this session, so it may be of interest to other people.
However, I would like to disassociate myself from the comments made at 15:55 on the video.  (Although of course I realize it was a joke, and that the humor of the joke is derived from the fact that the statement is in fact so outrageous that it is supposed to clash with our sensibilities, and not an actual endorsement of that view.  But still, I wouldn't have said it myself, and take no responsibility for it.)

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