Tuesday, April 01, 2014

Problem Cards: Using "Should" for advice

(TESOL Worksheets--Should)
Google: drive, docs, pub
[Divide students up into groups of 3 or 4.  Give each student a pack of problem cards, face down on the desk.  One student selects a card and reads it.  Encourage students to read the card using the language: "I have a problem ***INSERT PROBLEM*** What should I do?"  The other group members must then go around giving advice using the phrase: "You should...."  Each subsequent group member must give a new piece of advice.  If a student repeats advice that another student has already given, or fails to come up with a new piece of advice, they lose a point.
I originally photocopied the sheet of paper double-sided, so each card read "I have a problem..." on one side of the card, and then the problem on the other side.  But if the photocopier is acting up and I can't get both sides to line up properly,  the activity works just as well if you just write "I have a problem" on the board.
Different variations are possible.  I originally envisioned this game as just going around the group once, but my students preferred going around and around the group until someone finally messed up and couldn't think of a new piece of advice.  They also liked doing it as a whole class activity that just went around and around the classroom until someone couldn't think of a new piece of advice.

My mother is angry at me.
My dog ran away.
I forgot to study for the test.
I can't sleep.
I feel tired.
It's raining outside.
My house is messy.
I feel sick.
I have too much homework.
My food tastes terrible.
My hair is too long.
I spilled my coffee.
I ate too much candy.
I'm lonely.
My computer is broken.

I don't have any money.

I can't dance.

I lost my phone.
There's a bee hive outside my house.
I have a toothache.

A thief stole my wallet.

I cry at sad movies.

I'm too busy.

I'm too lazy.
I had a fight with my best friend.

I have a problem...
I have a problem...
I have a problem...
I have a problem...
I have a problem...
I have a problem...
I have a problem...
I have a problem...
I have a problem...
I have a problem...
I have a problem...
I have a problem...
I have a problem...
I have a problem...
I have a problem...
I have a problem...
I have a problem...
I have a problem...
I have a problem...
I have a problem...
I have a problem...
I have a problem...
I have a problem...
I have a problem...
I have a problem...

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