Saturday, January 25, 2014

Catching Fire

Why I Saw This Movie:
            A group of friends invited me out to the cinema with them.

The Review
            The first movie was a retread of Battle Royale.  This film, initially, promised to go in a different and more interesting direction.  But then, one-third of the way through, it suddenly just started repeating the plot from the first movie.
            If The Hunger Games was a retread of Battle Royale, then Catching Fire is a retread of The Hunger Games.  And by this point the principle of diminishing returns is really beginning to set in.
            On the plus side, it’s got a very talented cast and very slick production values, which make it watchable.

Other Thing I Would Talk About If I Wasn’t Limiting Myself to 100 Words
* All the plot holes

3 out of 10 Stars (No points for originality, but at least it’s mildly entertaining.)

Link of the Day
Noam Chomsky at Clark University - Part 1 of 2 - September 28, 1994

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