Friday, June 17, 2011

More Disturbing Articles

(Click on the links for for the full articles. The first two are from this week. The last one is a bit more dated--from last year--but probably bears repeating in light of all of this.)

Ex-Spy Alleges Bush White House Sought to Discredit Critic

WASHINGTON — A former senior C.I.A. official says that officials in the Bush White House sought damaging personal information on a prominent American critic of the Iraq war in order to discredit him.

Glenn L. Carle, a former Central Intelligence Agency officer who was a top counterterrorism official during the administration of President George W. Bush, said the White House at least twice asked intelligence officials to gather sensitive information on Juan Cole, a University of Michigan professor who writes an influential blog that criticized the war....

Peace Activists, Labor Organizers at Center of FBI Probe

...The search was part of a mysterious, ongoing nationwide terrorism investigation with an unusual target: prominent peace activists and politically active labor organizers.


FBI Placed Quakers on " Terrorist" List

That was one of the critical findings of a report released Monday by Justice Department Inspector General Glenn Fine.

The report said that between 2001 and 2006, the FBI also kept tabs on a Seattle antiwar activist as well as individuals affiliated with Greenpeace, People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA), Catholic Workers and Quakers. The agency improperly placed these activists on terrorist watch lists, according to the report.

The report found that the FBI gave inaccurate and misleading information to Congress and the public in 2006 when it claimed that an agent who spied on an anti-war rally organized by Thomas Merton Center activists was investigating individuals with possible links to terrorism.

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