Thursday, May 08, 2008

Japan e-mails August 30, 2001


Things are not too bad over here. I thought about you on Monday because I went to a Japanese drum circle. I was just hanging out with one of the other JETs in the area, and he brought me over to play at this drum circle he goes to on every Monday night, and there were all sorts of traditional Japanese drums we played, and some of them reminded me very much of that little drum you used to play as we sat around the apartment at Camelot. (Ah, those were the days. Those sweet old Camelot days).
Anyway, school hasn't started yet over here, so I'm just kind of chilling at the moment. How's work going? Are you still working as an Intern, or did they hire you on full time?


To: Chimes listserve
Greetings and Salutations
I'm writing this message to you on behalf of Media Mouse, which is working on compiling an archive of independent book reviews of radical literature. Now, I realize this listserve runs the whole political spectrum, but surely everyone will have to grant me that if I was looking to find a bunch of books worms with leftist leanings, this list would be an ideal place to start.

The specifications are loose and flexible. You can review any book, movie, music, etc that has a leftist or radical tint (preferably radical as opposed to middle of the road liberalism). You can make the review as long or as short as you want it. Send anything to me, and once I've compiled a bunch of them I'll send it to the Media Mouse web guy. The reviews will eventually be posted on the Media Mouse website, so let me know if you want your name published with it, or if you just want it anonymous.

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