Monday, March 26, 2007

General Update

Since I haven’t given a life update on this blog for a while, I thought I’d jot down a few things.

Um…not much to tell actually. Life continues to go fairly well for the present (although questions about what the hell I’m going to do next year continue to plague me).

I’m enjoying my job (as much as a job can be enjoyed) for all the reasons I mentioned before. I like working with adults, enjoy having other native English speakers in the same office to take off stress in between classes, and I am working pretty convenient hours (although, in contrast to my JET and ALT days, I’m actually very busy during those work hours-which is good and bad I guess).

I’ve taken out a subscription to the English version of the Daily Yomiuri newspaper in Japan, which helps keep me abreast of current events. And I also bring in the paper to work everyday to share with my co-workers, although I’ve noticed nobody really seems to read it as thoroughly as I do.
Actually of the two, I actually prefer “The Japan Times”, especially since the Daily Yomiuri has a reputation for being a conservative mouthpiece. But the Daily Yomiuri was about $15 cheaper a month, and I figured it wouldn’t kill me to be exposed to other points of view. (I enjoy reading their editorials about how all teachers should be forced to stand and sing the national anthem, or how there is no evidence that Japanese soldiers took comfort women from Korea and China during World War II--actually to be fair the Daily Yomiuri does also contain inserts from American papers which offer contrasting points of view).

I like all the people I’m working with. We go out occasionally at Tropicocos, and also get together for a weekly poker game. I’ve never really been into Poker before. My old Calvin roommates didn’t get into poker until after I had already left for Japan, so previously I had only played when I was back home for Christmas. I’m starting to get the hang of it now though.

Shoko works early mornings, so unfortunately she doesn’t come out with us most nights. We did host a “nabe party” (kind of like Japanese Fondue-maybe) a couple weeks ago, and invited over everyone from work. The party itself went pretty well, although Shoko did entertain everyone by telling everyone stories about my poor hygiene and nutrition habits. Next time I’m going to have to prep her on appropriate topics beforehand.

I also brought Shoko along for Poker one night. Everyone tried to teach her in a mixture of simple English and our poor Japanese. She just sat out and watched the first few hands before deciding to buy in. And then she proceeded to knock everyone else out of the game, and ended up coming in second. I was instructed never to bring her to the poker games again.

I’ve gone out to a couple parties with Shoko’s friends, in which I generally tried to play the role of the friendly foreigner and smile a lot. Shoko says I’ve been making a good impression on her friends, so I guess I’m good for something.

Useless Wikipedia Fact
Only a few of the Simpsons "Tracy Ulman Shorts" have been released on DVD. "Good Night" was included on The Simpsons season 1 DVD. Five of these shorts were later used in the clip show episode "The Simpsons 138th Episode Spectacular" on the half-hour show, which was released on the season 7 DVD. These five shorts were "Good Night", "The Perfect Crime", "Space Patrol", "World War III", and "Bathtime".[9] Groening has announced that all of the shorts will be available on mobile phones.[10]

Link of the Day
Are We Politicians or Citizens?
by Howard Zinn


  1. Hello. I work in special handling / overseas fufillment and came across your blog when I was at work doing some online research. I also viewed your you-tube video. Very interesting.

    If I may say a couple things:

    I noticed you said you were from rural Michigan. That would explain some things. As I watched your you-tube video, I had to do a double take in regards to the timeline. Even though you and I are the same age, I honestly thought you were much, much older. Why?

    To be honest, it was your hair. After some consideration, I felt clothing could perhaps use some updating as well, but as a teacher and a professional there are exptectations as to how one must dress.

    Please do not take this as an insult, as I am not trying to insult you. You are certainly a very good looking guy, and having come from a rather rural place I have found in my travels that fashion travels at a much (sometimes very much) slower place.

    Because, based on the information I saw and read, you seem very motivated with your career path, I thought I might say to you that it may do you well to have a more professional and youthful haircut.

    I believe first impressions are important, and I wanted to be honest with you on what my first impression was. Women tell other women these things all the time, but they don't tell these things to men and certainly men don't tell other men these things.

    The first thing I thought when I saw you were 28 after watching the video was, "Wow, what a handsome guy. But is he only 28? His early 1980's hairstyle... makes me think he's forty..."

    I read last week that most women today consider 50 the new 30. As people physically age so much slower, and also in your case, as a foreigner in japan, they use different things to judge a persons age. I honestly thought you were much, much older. And I think I am probably not the only one.

    Again, please do not think I am trying to insult you with what I have said. I simply think with a more modern haircut you could find yourself getting more attention both personally and professionally. You may not agree with my opinion, and that is okay.

    Since I already know so much about you, I am 28 year old professional who is married, has one child (a daughter) and my husband sister lives with us. I have worked at ny company for almost 7 years "climbing the ladder". My husband and I are ni-se / san-se multi-racial Asian American family. Please feel free to contact me at

    *Please forgive my grammer or spelling mistakes. I grew up with my grandparents, and they did not speak the best english.

  2. Poker has a wierd way of beginner's luck. Once I actually learned how to play(years ago)I have never done well. My first time I killed everyone. It was only penny poker, so it didn't matter much that I took home less than 5 bucks.

  3. All these years it's my hair that has been killing my luck with girls? Why didn't the rest of you say something?
