Tuesday, January 10, 2006

The Long (Long) Flight Back Home

I’m glad for the time I’ve been able to spend in Japan, but 13 hours is a long plane ride, there’s no getting around that.

And man, do they really pack you into economy class or what? I could handle 13 hours in a decent seat, but in the airplane I can barely move, my knees get sore from being bent for so long, those chairs hardly recline, and I have trouble sleeping sitting up.

They show 3 movies on the flight, and the headphones are complimentary, but often the movies are so awful I’d rather read my book. This flight was no exception. “The Dukes of Hazard” “The Perfect Heaven” and “Oliver Twist”. (Actually Oliver Twist was all right). The worst part is always when the 3rd movie finishes, I feel like I can’t sit in the seat a moment longer, and then I realize I have 5 more hours.

I was able to make a couple new friends on the flight. Because the next stop on the plane was Manila, the plane had more Filipinos on it than Japanese. And, at the risk of delving into ethnic stereotypes, all the Filipinos I’ve ever met have always been really nice and friendly people.

Also, turns out the girl sitting next to me was an ALT in the same prefecture as me. How is that for coincidence?

When we arrived at Nagoya I was able to make my way through customs very quickly. As a resident Alien, I get to pass through the Japanese side of the immigration line, instead of waiting with all the other Americans. I feel really cool in those moments. It’s times like those that make the 5 years I spent in Japan all seem worthwhile.

The new Nagoya Airport is incredibly convenient for me since I live only 45 minutes away. It sure beats the days when I lived in Kyushu and had to travel all the way up to the Osaka Airport. Twice I had to sleep in the Osaka Airport because I had arrived too late to catch the train all the way back to Kyushu.

So, having an airport close by is great. Although they did lose my luggage. :(

I don’t know where my luggage ended up, but it didn’t come to Japan with me. The airline told me they would call when they found it. Misplaced luggage is (as anyone who listens to a stand-up comedian knows) simply part of airplane travel. I guess I should be glad this is only the first time it has happened to me.

Fortunately I had all my books and tapes on my carry-on luggage, so only unimportant things like my clothes and change of underwear. So, until they find my luggage, I’m going to see how long I can go with the same pair of underwear on. Either that, or break down and buy some new pairs.

Link of the Day
When Tim Holt spotted Maria Rabanales of El Salvador lying still in the Arizona desert this summer, he believed he had a God-given duty to save her.

He forced water through the woman's swollen jaws and poured ice down her shirt. Border Patrol agents later took Rabanales to a hospital, where she was revived.

Holt was praised by Humane Borders, sponsored by First Christian Church of Tucson, where he is a volunteer. But his actions that June day might soon be considered a crime, punishable by up to five years in prison or property forfeiture, if a Republican-sponsored bill that passed the House along partisan lines on Friday becomes law.

(Complete Article Here)


  1. hey, bumped into shoko yesterday. It was good to catch up with her. She seemed like she had a good time with you in america, even if she was a bit sick.

    That sucks about the luggage, shoko told me about it last night.

    Anyway, talk to u soon


  2. glad you made it back alright my friend. you should've seen it here on Sunday...there was sun!

  3. glad you made it back. hope you get your clothes soon. See you in a few months.
