Monday, January 16, 2006

The Alumni Magazine and Me Part 2

Well, it's been a year since my last "update", so it's time to send into the alumni magazine again.

After I sent my update in last year, my mother commented to me, "I saw your blog. How dumb do you think they are?"

And yet within a few days they had posted it on their website. Not only that, this summer it was printed on the actual magazine and sent out to the homes of all the other alumni.

So, because they took the bait the first time, I thought I'd push the envelope just a little bit further. Maybe this is getting too ridiculous, maybe I'm still playing a little bit too conservative, hard to tell really with these things.

Anyway, below is my new alumni update. Keep your eye on the website to see if they print this one or not.

Much has changed in the past year. I've been granted temporary residency status in France, and have found a job working as a civil servant in the suburbs of Paris. My primary job is to negotiate grazing rights between the expanding urban development and the traditional sheep farmers on the outskirts of the city. It is a sometimes tiring, but always rewarding, occupation. I've also become engaged to one of the local French girls and, pending the approval of her parents, we are to be married this June.

Link of the Day
I saw the new Chronicles of Narnia movie over Winter Break. I was considering writing a review of it on this blog, but Andrew seems to have nailed everything I wanted to say anyway (as well as adding a couple additional, interesting observations).

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