Tuesday, January 13, 2004

Back in Japan
Arrived in Japan Sunday night (Japan time). A bit of deja-vu on the return trip. Just like the previous time, my plane was delayed in Detroit, and so I by the time I arrived in Osaka it was too late to catch the train home. So, just like last time I ended up sleeping in the Osaka airport, and catching the train home Monday morning.
In the airplane I mentioned to the fellow next to me that I would probably end up sleeping in the airport. He said I should go up to the service counter, and ask NorthWest airlines to put me up in a hotel for the night, since it was their fault I wouldn't be able to catch my train back. I replied that I had spent the night in the Osaka airport before and it was not too bad. They had padded benches that I could stretch out on, and it was really quiet at night. But the fellow next to me said, "Yeah, but if you can get them to spring for your hotel, that would be a lot better than sleeping in the airport."
I thought about it, and decided he was right. However, by the time we arrived in Osaka, and by the time I got my baggage and went through customs, the Northwest service counter was shut down, and the employees had all gone home for the night. But, like I said, sleeping at the airport wasn't bad at all. I've certainly had worse nights of sleep.
Now that my trip home is over, I hope to write down some reflections on what it was like being home again. If time allows,I hope to post them in a couple days or so.

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